2014-5-28 · TrueCrypt,是一款免费开源的加密软件,同时支持Windows Vista,7/XP, Mac OS X, Linux 等操作系统。TrueCrypt不需要生成任何文件即可在硬盘上建立虚拟磁盘,用户可以按照盘符进行访问,所有虚拟磁盘上的文件都被自动加密,需要通过密码来进行

分析一下 TrueCrypt 之死(自杀 or 他杀?),介绍 … 2014-6-10 · 要了解此事的来龙去脉,有必要先作一下 TrueCrypt 的背景介绍。 TrueCrypt 是什么? TC 是目前影响力最大的(没有之一)的磁盘加密工具,同时支持 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X 三大操作系统。 TC 是开源软件。 TrueCrypt介绍及入门使用讲解【翻译】 - 安全技术 … 2020-7-4 · 一、TrueCrypt介绍: TrueCrypt是一款面向多种操作系统平台(Windows 7/Vista/XP,Mac OS X,Linux)的免费开源的磁盘加密软件。 TrueCrypt具有以下特性: 以文件的形式创建虚拟加密磁 … TrueCrypt加密-系统安全工具类资源-CSDN下载 2016-1-2 · TrueCrypt for Mac 7.1a 2015-09-07 TrueCrypt Mac版本,最后一个可以创建新加密卷的版本,最新的7.2版已不能创建新加密卷,只能读取,并且已经停止更新。非常好用的文件加密工具,推荐给大 …

If you have files encrypted by TrueCrypt on Mac OS X: Open Utilities in Applications:; Open Disk Utility in Utilities:; Click New Image icon. Select Size according to the size of data encrypted by TrueCrypt and select Encryption.

Jun 15, 2020 · Be it Windows or Mac OSX, TrueCrypt commanded millions of users on both systems. At this point, readers should know that TrueCrypt’s developers were mostly anonymous. And that is one of the reasons why no one really knows what happened to TrueCrypt when its developers decided to let the software go in 2014. TrueCrypt Alternative Wrap-up. If, like us, you loved TrueCrypt, don't despair about it being discontinued. As we’ve seen there are some good free and open source (FOSS) TrueCrypt alternatives available. Others may choose to just keep on trucking and continue to use TrueCrypt. Jul 12, 2017 · TrueCrypt 7.1a (Yes, Still) Yes, TrueCrypt development was officially halted and its official downloads page was taken down. The developers have made statements saying they’re not longer interested in the code, and that third-party developers can’t be trusted to maintain and patch it properly.

2017-3-20 · 华军软件园加密解密频道,为您提供TrueCrypt下载、TrueCrypt免费版下载等加密解密软件下载。更多TrueCrypt7.2历史版本,请到华军软件园! TrueCrypt是一款免费,开源的支持Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux的绿色虚拟加密磁盘工具,可以在硬盘上

TrueCrypt - 申杰博客 - 博客园 2016-2-24 · TrueCrypt's creators may well be correct. TrueCrypt may never be as pure and perfect as it is at this moment, today—in the form they created and perfected. Their true final version, 7.1a, may be the pinnacle of this story. Truecrypt之死_felcon的专栏-CSDN博客_truecrypt 2015-5-27 · 官网给出的理由是:Windo_truecrypt felcon CSDN 认证博客专家 CSDN认证企业博客 码龄12年 暂无认证 110 原创 25 粉丝 23 获赞 40 TC 是目前影响力最大的(没有之一)的磁盘加密工具,同时支持 Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X 三大操作系统。 但是跟 TrueCrypt - 世界级免费开源加密软件(虚拟加密磁 … 2007-7-31 · TrueCrypt对加密卷文件大小没有限制。虚拟的磁盘容量大小仅受加密卷所在磁盘的文件系统限制。例如,Fat32格式化的磁盘内,可以创建的加密卷文件不能超过4G。总之,不用担心容量问题。而且 TrueCrypt 的用法非常简单,大家就自己试试去吧。文件详情